Burn calories

1.Aerobik advanced
-Category: Weight
-Calories: 10
-Time : 1

2.Aerobik ringan
-Category: Medium
-Calories: 7
-Time : 1

3. Aquarobik
-Category: Medium
-Calories: 7
-Time: 1

4. Baseball
-Category: Medium
-Calories: 7
-Time: 1

Kategory: Medium
Calories: 7
Time: 1

6. Professional basketball
Category: Weight
Calories: 10
Time : 1

7. Swim
Category: Medium
Calories: 7
Time : 1

8. Farm
Category: Lightweight
Calories: 4
Time: 1

9. Rapid cycling
Category: Weight
Calories: 10
Time: 1

10. Lightweight cycling
Category: Lightweight
Calories: 4
Time : 1

tips on using the Lat Pull Down

Correct movement
- Arrange your seating position. Paste the second leg in the cradle. Both feet flat on the floor, do not tiptoe. After a correct sitting position, berdinlah upright and grab the bar with both hands. position of both hands should be slightly wider than shoulders width. Then sit up straight. Make sure the bar is above and parallel to the breastbone.
- Pull the shoulder blades downward and backward. Keep the chest remains robust. Inhale. Then pull the bar down until the bar was about 4 cm above the chest. while exhale. Bend your elbows and make sure your elbows facing down. After that, slowly return the bar to its original position.

Working muscle
Latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior deltoid.

Lat pulldown (pulley-shaped fitness equipment) is useful for strengthening the latissimus dorsi, the muscle was greatest start and back to the center of the armpit to the back of the back. When diligently train these muscles back into the field and posture will be better. Also look more slender waist.

- Perform 2-3 sets, with 8-12 repetitions of each setnya. Snacks each set with a break 45 seconds. Set an expense based on ability. Start exercises using the lowest weight first, then gradually increase.
- Lat pull-down menu is a tool to train your back, not arms. Therefore. start moving in a way pulling shoulder blades down and back.
- You can medekatkan position of holding the palms bar as a variation.
If diligently trained latissimus dorsi muscle, back into the field and posture would be better.

Mistakes to be avoided

- Never bend your back, shoulders, or chest. It would be burdensome and injured spine.
- We recommend that you do not rely on the lower back because it can make your back stiffen. Make sure that when the draw bar (rod) your elbows facing down rather than backward.
- Perform slow movements using muscle power. Do it too fast to make the muscles do not work a maximum of melainkankan just using momentum.

Tips Use Electric Treadmill

always begin with warm-up exercises with cardio exercises such as: electric treadmill fitness equipment, crostrainer, exercise bike, and go light stretching to each muscle tubuhcrontrolah breath each weight training (with fitness equipment) to avoid injury and obtain maximum results with a treadmill time electric.pada maximal movement (such as push bench press, or lifting weights or older must exhale out, contrary to the negative movement must draw breath
practice with a partner if possible, in addition to the security guard was also to give a boost morale and motivation, it helps you look at sports equipment distributor or distributor of electric treadmill because you will be helped by the use of fitness equipment that suits you

specify the weight class as follows:
Do exercise program with a certain weight, according kemapuana
When I feel light, gradually increase the weight
Target reached reps / count of the recommended
Make sure the last repetition is always difficult and challenging, but within limits that allow
break between the 2 sets of succession for 30 seconds at most, and try to finish within 1.5 hours of exercise
Do not train the muscles that are sore / stiff after a workout with fitness exercise equipment, coercion may cause injury or prevention of muscle to develop
make sure your body to get enough water during exercise with sports equipment fitness

How to get the athletic body in the male

you may assume that to obtain an athletic body is by practicing for hours, and it was a big mistake

in fact, by spending 2 hours every two days with a scheduled training methods, gradually accompanied by instructions of a balanced food intake, then you do not need to crease-tired to spend a lot of energy to practice but you already feel the results within a short time, ie 12 weeks.

You do not need to look like a bodybuilder athlete, but how can you look more masculine, muscular proportionally, than that will make you look more attractive than you bodied 'perfunctory'. With some of the more prominent parts of the body, it would seem you are more powerful and masculine.

Survey shows that 85% of women prefer men with chest and muscular arms in proportion. Do not deny that there are parts where men and women like this section more prominent. But the difference in women tend to contain fat, moderate in men consist of muscle fibers.

kissing tips

There are some bad things that will eliminate the mood at the couple kissing. Both the people who will do a kiss for the first time or who have experience, you should avoid some actions that are not eligible for kissing couples.

- Mouth Odor
Do not kiss your partner with a bad odor in the mouth. Kiss allow someone to feel close to the couple, so it can exchange with each other breath.

Odor from the mouth can destroy the mood to kiss. Prior to kissing, you should avoid eating foods that trigger bad breath such as onions

- Flu and Coughs
Kissing couples desire when suffering from flu and cough was not the time. Although in good health, sneezing or coughing can eliminate the mood of both of you. When you're sick, you should delay the desire to heal. You certainly do not want to transmit the disease to the person you love.

- Be Aggressive
Being too aggressive to the couple kissing can easily reduce the partner passion. Maybe your spouse wants to bite her lip gently, but do not be excessive to hurt him.

- Answering Phone
A nice kissing session could turn into a very bland when one couple received a phone call. If you forget to turn off or mute the phone when she was kissed, just ignore the noise. Do not pick up the phone for a while, even though the call is your boss.


Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, and do not invade or metastasize. Most cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, do not. The branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is oncology.

Cancer affects people at all ages with the risk for most types increasing with age. Cancer caused about 13% of all human deaths in 2007 (7.6 million).

Cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may be due to the effects of carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents. Other cancer-promoting genetic abnormalities may randomly occur through errors in DNA replication, or are inherited, and thus present in all cells from birth. The heritability of cancers is usually affected by complex interactions between carcinogens and the host's genome.

Genetic abnormalities found in cancer typically affect two general classes of genes. Cancer-promoting oncogenes are typically activated in cancer cells, giving those cells new properties, such as hyperactive growth and division, protection against programmed cell death, loss of respect for normal tissue boundaries, and the ability to become established in diverse tissue environments. Tumor suppressor genes are then inactivated in cancer cells, resulting in the loss of normal functions in those cells, such as accurate DNA replication, control over the cell cycle, orientation and adhesion within tissues, and interaction with protective cells of the immune system.

Definitive diagnosis requires the histologic examination of a biopsy specimen, although the initial indication of malignancy can be symptomatic or radiographic imaging abnormalities. Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and stage. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different varieties of cancer. There has been significant progress in the development of targeted therapy drugs that act specifically on detectable molecular abnormalities in certain tumors, and which minimize damage to normal cells. The prognosis of cancer patients is most influenced by the type of cancer, as well as the stage, or extent of the disease. In addition, histologic grading and the presence of specific molecular markers can also be useful in establishing prognosis, as well as in determining individual treatments.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer
is a type of cancer that occurs when a malignant tumor forms from cells within the breast. It occurs most frequently in women, however, men can develop breast cancer, although much less frequently. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1 in every 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common cancer among women, aside from skin cancer.

Risk Factors and Causes of Breast Cancer
Research is ongoing to identify the exact causes of breast cancer. Researchers have, however, identified several breast cancer risk factors. A risk factor is something that increases the chance that a person will develop a disease. It is not a guarantee and does not predict a future diagnosis. Risk factors for breast cancer include:

Age: As we grow older, our risk of developing breast cancer increases. It is estimated that 80% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are 50 or older. This doesn't mean that younger women aren't at risk. Young women are diagnosed with breast cancer, just much less frequently.

Family and Personal History of Breast Cancer.

Having a mother, sister, or daughter with breast cancer doubles your risk of the disease. While family history can play a role in breast cancer development, women shouldn't subscribe to the popular belief that women without a family history of breast cancer aren't at risk. The American Cancer Society estimates that 70 to 80% of women with breast cancer do not have a family history that includes breast cancer.

Women who have previously been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer again.

Race. Of all women, Caucasian women are diagnosed more frequently than women of other races. Though Caucasian women are the most at risk, it is African American women who die of the disease the most. Asian, Native American, and Hispanic women have less of a risk.

Alcohol Consumption. Women who drink alcohol increase their breast cancer risk and the risk is heightened with the amount of alcohol consumed. Women who drink 2-5 drinks a day increase their risk by 1 1/2 when compared to women who do not drink alcohol. One drink a day only slightly elevates a woman's risk.

Family Planning Choices. Women who choose not to have children or have them after age 30 somewhat increase their risk of breast cancer.

Genetics may play a role in up to 10% of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Hereditary breast cancer occurs when a mutated gene has been passed down from a parent. The most common genetic mutation is that of the BRCA gene pair, referred to as "BRCA1" and "BRCA2". These genes are responsible for regulating cell growth and repairing damaged DNA, but do not properly function if mutated. Those who are found through genetic testing to be carriers of mutated BRCA genes are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Other gene types have been associated to breast cancer, but not as prevalently as the BRCA genes.

Copyright By cancer.about.com


Asbestosis is a chronic inflammatory and fibrotic medical condition affecting the parenchymal tissue of the lungs caused by the inhalation and retention of asbestos fibers. It usually occurs after high intensity and/or long-term exposure to asbestos (particularly in those individuals working on the production or end-use of products containing asbestos) and is therefore regarded as an occupational lung disease. People with extensive occupational exposure to the mining, manufacturing, handling or removal of asbestos are at risk of developing asbestosis. Sufferers may experience severe dyspnea (shortness of breath) and are at an increased risk for certain malignancies, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestosis specifically refers to interstitial (parenchymal) fibrosis from asbestos, and not pleural fibrosis or plaquing.
Smoking appears to increase the frequency and/or the rate of progression of asbestosis, possibly by preventing the efficient elimination of inhaled fibers from the airways.

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the organs. The most common sites is the pleura (the outer layer of the lungs and internal chest wall), but may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the heart, [1] the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart) or tunica vaginalis.

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibers in other ways. It has also been suggested that washing the clothes of family members who worked with asbestos can put someone at risk for mesothelioma. [2] Unlike lung cancer, no association between mesothelioma and smoking, but smoking greatly increases the risk of other asbestos-caused cancer. [ 3] Compensation via asbestos funds or lawsuits is an important issue in mesothelioma (see asbestos and the law).

Mesothelioma symptoms include shortness of breath due to pleural (fluid between the lung and chest) or chest wall pain, and general symptoms such as weight loss. Diagnosis can be suspected with chest X-rays and CT scans, and confirmed with a biopsy (tissue sample) and microscopic examination. A thoracoscopy (insert a tube with a camera into the chest) can be used to take biopsies. This allows the entry of substances such as talcum powder eliminate pleural space (called pleurodesis), which prevents more fluid from collecting and pressing on the lung. Despite chemotherapy treatment, radiation, or sometimes surgery, disease carrying poor prognosis. Research about screening tests for early detection of mesothelioma is ongoing.

Patients usually complained of shortness of breath, cough and chest pain. Other symptoms appear simultaneously with increasing disease stage. When the disease develops shortness of breath increased, whereas weight loss and decreased appetite.

If you have a problem with the disease Mesothelioma and you want to go to consultation on www.mesotheliomaweb.org


What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a family of naturally occurring silica compounds (similar to, but not the same as, the silica of window glass and computer chips). These substances form fibers with varying shapes and sizes and are found throughout the earth. There are three commonly available types of asbestos; chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos), and crocidolite (blue asbestos). All three have been associated with cancerous and non-cancerous lung disease.

Asbestos has been used frequently in a variety of building materials for insulation and as a fire retardant. Today, it is found most commonly in older homes - in pipes, furnaces, roof shingles, millboard, textured paints, coating materials, and floor tiles.

What are the types of asbestos-related lung disease?

Lung disease from exposure to asbestos can be divided into three main types: 1) asbestosis, 2) disease of the lining of the lung (pleura), and 3) lung cancer.

Asbestosis is a process of widespread scarring of the lungs.

Disease of the lining of the lungs

Disease of the lining of the lungs, called the pleura, has a variety of signs and symptoms and is the result of inflammation and the hardening (calcification) and/or thickening of the lining tissue.
Lung cancer
either of the internal portions of the lungs or the outer lining (pleura).

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